3+2 • Oware • Rated 6 months agoBOT PS-Greedy-One-Move795 +16Jjlalamin1153 −26North time out, South is victorious1. c1f2 e2a2 2. f1b2 e2d2 3. d1d2 e2d2 ... 15 turns
3+2 • Oware • Casual 6 months agoJjlalamin1137BOT PS-Greedy-Two-Move1581South time out, North is victorious1. e1d2 a2d1 2. b1f2 d2b1 3. f1a2 b2e1 ... 11 turns
3+2 • Togyzqumalaq • Rated 8 months agoBOT PS-Greedy-Four-Move1521 +12Jjlalamin1500? −112Kostaushi resigned, Bastaushi is victorious1. i1b2 c2g1 2. h1c2
3+18 • Horde • Casual 9 months agoJjlalamin1500?BOT PS-Greedy-Two-Move1104?White time out, Black is victorious1. h5 e6 2. a5 exf5 3. gxf5 Qe7 ... 62 turns
3+2 • Horde • Casual 9 months agoBOT PS-Greedy-Two-Move1104?Jjlalamin1500?Black time out, White is victorious1. a5 h6 2. gxh6 gxh6 3. d5 Na6 ... 11 turns
3+2 • Xiangqi • Rated 9 months agoJjlalamin1500? −350BOT PS-Greedy-One-Move875 +13Red time out, Black is victorious1. i1i2 b8b1 2. b3b4 h8h1 3. i4i5 b1d1 ... 6 turns
3+2 • Oware • Rated 9 months agoBOT PS-Greedy-One-Move825 +14Jjlalamin1139 −21North time out, South is victorious1. a1e1 e2a2 2. c1e2 e2d2 3. d1c2 e2d2 ... 9 turns
3+2 • Horde • Casual 9 months agoBOT PS-Greedy-Two-Move1104?Jjlalamin1500?Black time out, White is victorious1. a5 a6 2. bxa6 Rxa6 3. b5 Rxa5 ... 8 turns
3+2 • Oware • Rated 9 months agoBOT PS-Greedy-One-Move841 +16Jjlalamin1117 −26North time out, South is victorious1. f1c2 e2a1 2. d1e2 e2d2 3. e1c2 d2e1 ... 15 turns
3+2 • Oware • Rated 9 months agoJjlalamin1143 −26BOT PS-Greedy-One-Move833 +16South time out, North is victorious1. a1e1 b2c1 2. a1b1 c2b1
3+2 • Antichess • Casual 9 months agoBOT PS-Greedy-Two-Move983?Jjlalamin1500?Black time out, White is victorious1. h3 c5 2. b4
3+2 • King of the Hill • Casual 9 months agoBOT PS-Greedy-Two-Move885?Jjlalamin1500?King in the centre, White is victoriousA10 English Opening1. c4 g5 2. Qb3 h5 3. d4 a5 ... 6 turns