[Event "Oct 31st - Strike five and Out Arena"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.10.31"] [P1 "Fireflies11"] [P2 "Ishaan28"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2023.10.31"] [UTCTime "23:43:36"] [P1Elo "1357"] [P2Elo "1199"] [P1RatingDiff "+29"] [P2RatingDiff "-38"] [Variant "Five-check"] [TimeControl "3+0"] [ECO "A00"] [Opening "Van't Kruijs Opening"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e3 { A00 Van't Kruijs Opening } d5 2. Qh5 Nc6 3. Bb5 Qd6 4. Bxc6+ Qxc6 5. d3 Qc4 6. dxc4 dxc4 7. Bd2 c3 8. Bxc3 a5 9. Qb5+ Kd8 10. Qd5+ Ke8 11. Qb5+ Kd8 12. Qd5+ { P1 gives the fifth check. } 1-0
Computer analysisMove timesCrosstableFEN & PGN