King in the centre, Black is victorious
[Event "Weekly King of the Hill Arena"]
[Site "https://playstrategy.org/Y5ETglIR"]
[Date "2025.01.29"]
[P1 "PST-Greedy-Tom"]
[P2 "oruro"]
[Result "0-1"]
[UTCDate "2025.01.29"]
[UTCTime "04:09:43"]
[P1Elo "1034"]
[P2Elo "1791"]
[P1RatingDiff "+0"]
[P2RatingDiff "+0"]
[P1Title "BOT"]
[Variant "King of the Hill"]
[TimeControl "3+2"]
[ECO "A16"]
[Opening "English Opening: Anglo-Indian Defense, Queen's Knight Variation"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[Annotator "playstrategy.org"]
1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 { A16 English Opening: Anglo-Indian Defense, Queen's Knight Variation } c5 3. Qa4 Nc6 4. d3 d5 5. Kd2 d4 6. Qxc6+ bxc6 7. Nf3 e5 8. Nxe5 Ke7 9. Nxc6+ Ke6 10. Nb5 Qd7 11. Nbxd4+ cxd4 12. e4 Qxc6 13. f4 g5 14. Be2 gxf4 15. Bf3 Ke5# { P2 brings the king in the center. } 0-1
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