Blitz Spanish • Antishish vs BOT PST-Greedy-Tom
Antishish (1482) plays BOT PST-Greedy-Tom (1363) in a rated Blitz (3+2) game of Spanish. Antishish forfeits by time after 32 turns. Click to replay, analyse, and discuss the game!
[Event "Yearly Spanish Arena"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2024.04.12"]
[P1 "Antishish"]
[P2 "PST-Greedy-Tom"]
[Result "0-1"]
[UTCDate "2024.04.12"]
[UTCTime "10:35:04"]
[P1Elo "1482"]
[P2Elo "1363"]
[P2Title "BOT"]
[Variant "Spanish"]
[TimeControl "3+2"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Time forfeit"]
1. g3-h4 h6-g5 2. e3-f4 g5xe3 3. d2xf4 g7-h6 4. f2-e3 d6-c5 5. e1-f2 b6-a5 6. c1-d2 e7-d6 7. f4-g5 h6xf4 8. e3xg5 g5xe7 9. d8xf6 h2-g3 10. d6-e5 g1-h2 11. c5-d4 a3-b4 12. a7-b6 b4-c5 13. b8-a7 c5-d6 14. a5-b4 d6xb8 15. b6-c5 c3xa5 16. c5-b4 b8xf4 17. b4-a3 b2-c3 18. d4xb2 a1xc3 19. a3-b2 d2-e3 20. b2-c1 f4-h6 21. c1xg5 h6xd2 22. f6-e5 d2-e1 23. h8-g7 g3-f4 24. e5xg3 h2xf4 25. g7-f6 f4-g5 26. f6-e5 f2-e3 27. e5-f4 e1-d2 28. f4-g3 d2-e1 29. f8-e7 g5-f6 30. e7xg5 h4xf6 31. g3-h2 e1-f2 32. h2-g1 0-1