MSO 2022 Warm-up tournaments


PlayStrategy are running a series of warm-up tournaments ahead of the 2022 MSO

Ahead of the Mind Sports Olympiad's first physical event in three years, PlayStrategy are hosting a set of warm-up tournaments that correspond with the MSO's schedule. The MSO is taking place in London between Sunday 21st August - Monday 29th August, and you can find full details and registration on their website at:

10 warm-up tournaments will be run on PlayStrategy over the next 3 weeks, serving as an opportunity for players to get some practise games in. All tournaments will be Arenas, allowing players to drop in as they please. The time controls will be set to the same as the over-the-board and therefore berserk mode has been disabled. All tournaments begin at 18:00 UTC (19:00 UK time), finishing at different times, and are open to all players, even if you can't make the MSO's London event.

The full MSO warm-up schedule can be seen here:

PlayStrategy's tournaments can be found here:
