Variant Shields start in September!

@PlayStrategyVariant Shields start in September

Starting from September, there will be a different variant shield every day!

Beginning in September, PlayStrategy will have (almost) daily variant shields! We currently have 28 different games/variants on PlayStrategy, coincidentally almost enough to fill one for every day of a calendar month... Until now we have had no regular variant tournaments on PlayStrategy, but we think this is the right time to introduce them as we have been encouraged by the ever increasing number of users and games played on the site - thank you!

The shield tournaments work similar to the current medley shields we have - the winner of the tournament gets to keep the appropriate shield trophy on their profile until the next time the tournament is run! In this case the winner will be the shield holder for one month.

Each shield tournament is a 55 minute arena starting at 18:00 UTC. The majority of shields are played at 3+2 speed, however we have increased the time controls for a couple of tournaments to tailor for slower games (Shogi, Xiangqi). All tournaments have berserk and streaks enabled.

The first daily shield tournament is the Lines of Action shield, and so this shield will also be on the 1st of each month. You can find the full schedule here:
