+0.2Stockfish 11+HCE
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1e4+0.2e5+0.42Bc4+0.3Nf6+0.43Nc3+0.1Nxe4?!+0.7Inaccuracy. The following was best.3...Bc54.Nf3d6[...]4Qh5+0.9Nd6+0.55Qxe5++0.1Qe70.06Qxe7++0.1Bxe7+0.17Nd5?!−0.5...Inaccuracy. The following was best.7.Bb37...Nxc4−0.48Nxc7+−0.8Kd8−0.89Nxa8−0.5Nc6−0.310d3−0.4Nd6−0.611Nf3−0.3b6?!+0.3Inaccuracy. The following was best.11...b512.Be3Bb7[...]12Be3+0.4Bb7?+1.5Mistake. The following was best.12...b513.a4b4[...]13Nxb6+1.4axb6+1.314Bxb6++1.3Kc8+1.315Be3+0.8Re8+1.116Kd2+1.1Nf5+1.117Rhe1+0.6Nxe3+1.018fxe3+1.1d5?!+2.1Inaccuracy. The following was best.18...f519.g3Kc7[...]19c3+1.9Bf6+2.120e4?!+1.3...Inaccuracy. The following was best.20.b420...dxe4+1.521Rxe4+1.4Ne5+1.222Nxe5+1.3Bxe4?!+2.2Inaccuracy. The following was best.22...Bxe523Nxf7+1.8Kd7+2.024dxe4+2.0Re7??+4.8Blunder. The following was best.24...Rxe425.h4Rxh4[...]25e5+4.7Bh4+5.126g3+5.0Rxf7+5.027gxh4+5.0Rf2++5.228Ke3+5.4Rxh2+5.429a4+5.9Rxh4+6.930a5+7.0Kc7+6.831b4+6.8Kb8+8.232b5+8.2Kb7+13.133e6+10.3Rh6+10.934a6++11.0Ka7+12.135c4+10.9Rxe6++10.736Kd4+10.7Rd6++14.637Kc5+14.6Rh6+17.738Re1#9Rh5+#939Kb4#8Rh2#840Re7+#7Kb8#741b6#7Rb2+#742Kc5#6Kc8#643Kc6#8Kd8#844Rd7+#8Ke8#1145b7#7h5#746b8=Q+?!+66.9...Lost forced winning sequence. The following was best.46.a7Rb6+47.Kxb6[...]46...Rxb8+13.447Rxg7+53.5Ra8?!#10Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best.47...Kf848.a748Rg8+#9Ke7#949Rxa8#8Kf6#850Rh8#8h4#751Rxh4#7Kg5#852Rh8#7Kf4#753Rf8+#6Ke5#654a7#5Kd4#555a8=Q#4Kc3#456Qd8#3Kc2#357c5#4Kb2#358Qd4+#3Kb3#359Rf4#3Kc2#360Qc4+#3Kb1#261Qc3#2Ka2#262Ra4+#1Kb1#163Ra1#
Checkmate, White is victorious
[Event "Yearly No Castling Arena"] [Site ""] [Date "2024.07.05"] [P1 "fish224"] [P2 "Sniper_of_chess"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2024.07.05"] [UTCTime "14:09:55"] [P1Elo "1876"] [P2Elo "1719"] [P1RatingDiff "+16"] [P2RatingDiff "-22"] [Variant "No Castling"] [TimeControl "3+2"] [ECO "C27"] [Opening "Vienna Game: Frankenstein-Dracula Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 Nf6 3. Nc3 Nxe4?! { (0.14 → 0.74) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } { C27 Vienna Game: Frankenstein-Dracula Variation } (3... Bc5 4. Nf3 d6 5. d3 c6 6. Bb3 Kf8 7. h3 b5 8. Kf1 h6 9. a4 b4 10. Ne2) 4. Qh5 Nd6 5. Qxe5+ Qe7 6. Qxe7+ Bxe7 7. Nd5?! { (0.12 → -0.53) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (7. Bb3) 7... Nxc4 8. Nxc7+ Kd8 9. Nxa8 Nc6 10. d3 Nd6 11. Nf3 b6?! { (-0.29 → 0.25) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (11... b5 12. Be3 Bb7 13. Nb6 axb6 14. Bxb6+ Ke8 15. a4 bxa4 16. Kd2 f6 17. Rxa4 Kf7 18. b4) 12. Be3 Bb7? { (0.38 → 1.46) Mistake. The following was best. } (12... b5 13. a4 b4 14. Kd2 Bb7 15. Nb6 axb6 16. Bxb6+ Kc8 17. Rhe1 Bf6 18. c3 bxc3+ 19. bxc3) 13. Nxb6 axb6 14. Bxb6+ Kc8 15. Be3 Re8 16. Kd2 Nf5 17. Rhe1 Nxe3 18. fxe3 d5?! { (1.07 → 2.06) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (18... f5 19. g3 Kc7 20. c3 g6 21. a4 h5 22. Ke2 g5 23. Kd2 g4 24. Nd4 Rf8 25. Kc2) 19. c3 Bf6 20. e4?! { (2.12 → 1.29) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (20. b4) 20... dxe4 21. Rxe4 Ne5 22. Nxe5 Bxe4?! { (1.25 → 2.23) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (22... Bxe5) 23. Nxf7 Kd7 24. dxe4 Re7?? { (2.03 → 4.77) Blunder. The following was best. } (24... Rxe4 25. h4 Rxh4 26. Re1 Ra4 27. a3 Ra5 28. Re2 h5 29. Kc2 Kc7 30. Kd3 Rc5 31. c4) 25. e5 Bh4 26. g3 Rxf7 27. gxh4 Rf2+ 28. Ke3 Rxh2 29. a4 Rxh4 30. a5 Kc7 31. b4 Kb8 32. b5 Kb7 33. e6 Rh6 34. a6+ Ka7 35. c4 Rxe6+ 36. Kd4 Rd6+ 37. Kc5 Rh6 38. Re1 Rh5+ 39. Kb4 Rh2 40. Re7+ Kb8 41. b6 Rb2+ 42. Kc5 Kc8 43. Kc6 Kd8 44. Rd7+ Ke8 45. b7 h5 46. b8=Q+?! { (Mate in 7 → 66.91) Lost forced winning sequence. The following was best. } (46. a7 Rb6+ 47. Kxb6 Kxd7 48. a8=Q Ke6 49. b8=Q Kf5 50. Qf3+ Kg5 51. Qe5+ Kg6 52. Qfxh5#) 46... Rxb8 47. Rxg7 Ra8?! { (53.52 → Mate in 10) Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best. } (47... Kf8 48. a7) 48. Rg8+ Ke7 49. Rxa8 Kf6 50. Rh8 h4 51. Rxh4 Kg5 52. Rh8 Kf4 53. Rf8+ Ke5 54. a7 Kd4 55. a8=Q Kc3 56. Qd8 Kc2 57. c5 Kb2 58. Qd4+ Kb3 59. Rf4 Kc2 60. Qc4+ Kb1 61. Qc3 Ka2 62. Ra4+ Kb1 63. Ra1# { P1 wins by checkmate. } 1-0
Computer analysisMove timesCrosstableFEN & PGN
3 inaccuracies
0 mistakes
0 blunders
7Average centipawn loss
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5 inaccuracies
1 mistake
1 blunder
21Average centipawn loss
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