Random Chess

I like the site and some others do too, that's what matters

If you don't, there are plenty of other sites and things to do

This site is awesome! I can't wait for abalone, and the doubling cube will add a whole new demension to backgammon.

lichess started small, and look at it now!

Hi @Pokshtya

Thank you for your numerous suggestions regarding variants. We do read and take on board your suggestions.

There is not a specific set of criteria which helps us decide which games to add next, however various factors we take into account include (but are not limited to):
- License restrictions
- Estimated Developer Effort to add the variant
- Expected Player Base
- Expanding the variety of games on PlayStrategy
- Ease of integration with our other tools (for Chess like variants, if they are available through fairy stockfish this can give us engine analysis and a strong AI to play against instantly)
