Weekly Challenge 74: Rare Checkmate

Weekly Challenge 74: Rare Checkmate

Create a study which shows a game sequence which has the so-called "rarest move in Chess" - a 'doubly disambiguated bishop capture checkmate'. The format of the mating move, as displayed in the game log, must be B**x**# where ** is a two-character reference to a square on the board (a1-h8).

Adjudication Criteria:
1. Fewest moves (plies)
2. Earliest Entry
Closing Date: Monday 9th September 1200 UTC+0

Additional Restrictions:
- Put the number of moves in the forum post
- Do not edit the forum post after posting. This will invalidate your entry
- If the study chapter's moves don't match what is claimed in the forum post then the entry will be invalid

If you wish to improve your study and submit a better entry, please clone your original study into a new one, make changes in the new study and make a new forum post with your new totals and new study link.

The idea for this week's challenge was suggested to us by @shinuito and references a video which tries to find the rarest chess move, and explains how a doubly disambiguated bishop capture checkmate works:

. If you want to suggest a challenge please message @statmatt or @jheps and it will be considered!

71 ply:

I would be impressed and interested to see if anyone can pull off a 'doubly disambiguated bishop capture checkmate' against any of the PlayStrategy bots - although the study remains the actual challenge for this week.

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