Weekly Challenge 81: Smothered Mate

Weekly Challenge 81: Smothered Mate

Win a game of Standard Chess vs @PS-Greedy-Two-Move with a smothered mate. For this challenge we are defining 'a smothered mate' as a checkmate with a Knight that occurs when a King could have escaped checkmate if it could have moved into a square that is occupied by one of its own pieces.

Adjudication Criteria:
1. Most opponents pieces surrounding the King (count of opponent's pieces on squares that the King can normally reach)
2. Fewest moves (plies)
3. Earliest Entry

Closing Date: Monday 28th October 1200 UTC+0

Oh wow

This is a very difficult challenge.

It is going to be interesting to see how players will sort this out.

Yeah, this is hard, I can't find a good strategy... I hope this challenge is not the reason my streak gets broken

Technically this is not a Smothered Mate 😁

But I got the idea of the challenge now.

Not only technically. THIS IS NOT A SMOTHERED MATE.
Your king should be unable to move due to being completely surrounded by its own pieces.
