Weekly Challenge 13: Crazyhouse Full Pockets

I was expecting somebody to conquer level 3 anyway :) It kept checkmating me because I was trying to hold onto pieces :)

Since it’s not mentioned, are we allowed to use takeback in this challenge?

I can imagine I might be able to engineer something if I keep asking for takebacks and it eventually forces Stockfish to blunder.

I managed a 36 move on level 3, no takebacks in this one - couldn’t think of how to use them yet

Ok nevermind

Stockfish level 3 in 20 moves, no takebacks :)

This one just felt weirdly lucky, because I’ve been checkmated by the level 3 a lot.

(Only reason I’ve mentioned takebacks was because challenge two or something mentioned them - Stockfish allows but some of the other bots don’t)

I’ll assume so if it’s not clarified, and wasn’t mentioned.

It should make it easier in theory if you’re planning something to undo if you make a mistake rather than keep starting new games. Or if you’re having a good run and accidentally mess up.

We usually disallow takebacks in challenges against Stockfish (no need to in challenges against bots - they auto reject them). However we didn't explicitly say this week so we won't be penalising anyone who did use takebacks.

20 minutes to go, can anyone beat Stockfish level 4 for this challenge? If you can and you are the only person then you win regardless of how many moves it takes!
