Weekly Challenge 98: Botez Gambit
Win a game of Chess vs Stockfish level 2 whilst losing your Queen in your opening 3 moves.
Adjudication Criteria:
1. Fewest moves (plies)
2. Earliest Entry
Additional Clarification:
- Your Queen must be captured by the end of the 6th ply in the game (start of White's 4th move)
- You must win the game by checkmate (winning by timeout is not valid, and shouldn't happen vs Stockfish, but it could)
- You cannot use takebacks
This week's challenge ties in with the Chess MSO tournaments which takes place this week:
Monday: Chess Blitz Arena: playstrategy.org/tournament/46nyoEYS
Saturday: Chess 10+5 Swiss: playstrategy.org/swiss/dsM1IctW
Weekly Challenge 98: Botez Gambit
That went fast, lol
is there a way you can verify your title here, similarly to lichess @PlayStrategy ?
@penguingim1 At this moment in time PlayStrategy does not verify titles
Entries for Weekly Challenge 98 has closed. Thanks to all users who participated.
The winner is @Lauch who, despite losing their Queen in the opening three moves, won a game of Chess against Stockfish Level 2 in 10 moves (19 plies), in the following game:
Users are still welcome to attempt this challenge and post answers here, but the winner has been fixed. The next challenge can be found here: playstrategy.org/forum/weekly-challenges/weekly-challenge-99-abalone-streak