Weekly Challenge 54: Quickest Lines Win

Weekly Challenge 54: Quickest Lines Win

Create a study which shows a game sequence where a winner is found in the fewest number of moves. Do this for both Lines of Action and Scrambled Eggs in separate study chapters. Smallest aggregate number of moves wins.

Adjudication Criteria:
1. Fewest moves (plies) across both chapters
2. Earliest Entry
Closing Date: Monday 22nd April 1200 UTC+0

Additional Restrictions:
- Put the number of moves for each chapter in the forum post
- Do not edit the forum post after posting. This will invalidate your entry
- If the study chapter's moves don't match what is claimed in the forum post then the entry will be invalid

If you wish to improve your study and submit a better entry, please clone your original study into a new one, make changes in the new study and make a new forum post with your new totals and new study link.

@statmatt Are the studies a new feature? I don't remember seeing them available before.

Entries for Weekly Challenge 54 has closed. Thanks to all users who participated.

The winner is @jheps who showed a Lines of Action win is possible in 10 ply and a Scrambled Eggs win is possible in 11 ply through the following study: (jheps has also added a further show-case that a 9 ply win is possible in Lines of Action, but this wasn't on the challenge forum entry).

Users are still welcome to attempt this challenge and post answers here, but the winner has been fixed. The next challenge can be found here:

This topic has been archived and can no longer be replied to.
