Weekly Challenge 76: Racing Without A Team
Win a game of Racing Kings vs Stockfish level 2 with the biggest piece count defecit.
Adjudication Criteria:
1. Biggest piece count defecit
2. Fewest moves (plies)
3. Earliest Entry
Additional Clarification:
- To calculate the piece count defecit, add up the number of your pieces on the board (including your King) and subtract the number of pieces on the board for your opponent (including their King). You are aiming to get the smaller number (biggest negative number)
- You must win your game by getting your King to the final rank as per the rules of Racing Kings (winning by timeout is not valid, and shouldn't happen vs Stockfish, but it could)
- You cannot use takebacks
This week's challenge was suggested to us by @Mando. If you want to suggest a challenge please message @statmatt or @jheps and it will be considered!
Weekly Challenge 76: Racing Without A Team
@Vladimir your entry is -2 (3 Black pieces minus 5 White pieces)
ah ok
Your second entry is 0 (4 - 4) which doesn't beat your initial post
Statmatt,in the second time I mixed up the links :)
Wait, I think I did everything right.There are 19 moves in one game and 16 in the other.
59 ply -7
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