+0.4Stockfish 13+NNUE
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1e4+0.4e6+0.42Nf3+0.3d5+0.33exd5+0.1exd5+0.24Qe2+?!−0.6...Inaccuracy. The following was best.4.d4Nf65.Bd3[...]4...Be7−0.45d3?!−1.1...Inaccuracy. The following was best.5.d4Nf66.Qd1[...]5...Nf6−1.06Bg5−1.4O-O−1.77Bxf6??−7.4...Blunder. The following was best.7.Qd2h67...Bxf6−7.58Nc3−7.6Re8−7.39Ne5−10.9Rxe5−10.510Ne4−10.4dxe4−10.711Qe3−14.5Bg5−11.512f4−10.8Re8−9.813fxg5−11.4exd3−11.614Bxd3−16.1Rxe3+−16.015Be2−18.8Qe7−19.116O-O-O−19.3Rxe2−19.217a3−21.8Qc5−17.018Kb1?!#−2...Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best.18.Rd8+Qf818...Qxc2+#−119Ka2#−1Qxb2#
Checkmate, Black is victorious
[Event "MSO Korea-0808"] [Site ""] [Date "2021.08.08"] [P1 "eerashin2011"] [P2 "JIWANJEON2011"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2021.08.08"] [UTCTime "12:57:42"] [P1Elo "1070"] [P2Elo "1508"] [P1RatingDiff "-13"] [P2RatingDiff "+11"] [Variant "Chess"] [TimeControl "10+0"] [ECO "C00"] [Opening "French Defense: Knight Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 e6 2. Nf3 { C00 French Defense: Knight Variation } d5 3. exd5 exd5 4. Qe2+?! { (0.19 → -0.57) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (4. d4 Nf6 5. Bd3 c5 6. c3 Bd6 7. O-O O-O 8. dxc5 Bxc5 9. Bf4 Nc6 10. Nbd2 Bg4) 4... Be7 5. d3?! { (-0.38 → -1.09) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (5. d4 Nf6 6. Qd1 c5 7. dxc5 Bxc5 8. Bd3 Nc6 9. O-O O-O 10. Nc3 Bg4 11. h3 Bh5) 5... Nf6 6. Bg5 O-O 7. Bxf6?? { (-1.72 → -7.37) Blunder. The following was best. } (7. Qd2 h6) 7... Bxf6 8. Nc3 Re8 9. Ne5 Rxe5 10. Ne4 dxe4 11. Qe3 Bg5 12. f4 Re8 13. fxg5 exd3 14. Bxd3 Rxe3+ 15. Be2 Qe7 16. O-O-O Rxe2 17. a3 Qc5 18. Kb1?! { (-17.04 → Mate in 2) Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best. } (18. Rd8+ Qf8) 18... Qxc2+ 19. Ka2 Qxb2# { P2 wins by checkmate. } 0-1
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0 mistakes
1 blunder
56Average centipawn loss
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4Average centipawn loss
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