[Event "Casual Lines Of Action game"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.09.05"] [P1 "VQJ"] [P2 "PS-Greedy-Two-Move"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2023.09.05"] [UTCTime "12:58:32"] [P1Elo "1500"] [P2Elo "1370"] [P2Title "BOT"] [Variant "Lines Of Action"] [TimeControl "3+2"] [ECO "?"] [Opening "?"] [Termination "Normal"] [FEN "1LLLLLL1/l6l/l6l/l6l/l6l/l6l/l6l/1LLLLLL1 w - - 0 1"] [SetUp "1"] [Annotator ""] 1. Lbb3 Lxc1 2. Lxa4 Lc6 3. Lc3 Lhxf1 4. Lge3 Lxe3 5. Ld5 Lxc3 6. Lxa2 L5f7 7. Lcd7 Lxb3 8. La5 Lxd7 9. Lfe7 Laxe7 10. Lc7 Lg3 11. Laa5 L3b2 12. La6 Lxc7 13. Lb7 Lxb7 14. La8 Lf2 15. Lh8 Lfe6 16. Lf6 La1 17. Lc3 Lcf3 18. Lc5 Lb6 19. Lc6 Lc7 20. Lca6 La7 21. Lc8 Lc3 22. Lc6 Lae7 23. Lxe6 Lf4 24. Lf7 Le6 25. Ld8 Lcc6 26. Lce8# { P1 connects all of their pieces. } 1-0
Move timesCrosstableFEN & PGN