Stockfish 11+HCELoading engine ...
1f4−0.3d50.02Nf3−0.1Qd6?+1.1Mistake. The following was best.2...Bf53.e3e6[...]3e3+1.2Kd8??+4.0Blunder. The following was best.3...Nf64.c44Ne5?+2.5...Mistake. The following was best.4.c4d44...f5??#13Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best.4...Nh65Nf7++38.7Kd7#106Ne5+?!+16.6...Lost forced winning sequence. The following was best.6.Bb5+c67.Bxc6+[...]6...Ke6+52.77c4#6d4#68c5#6Qd5#69Bc4#6Qxc4+57.210Nxc4#8d3#411Ne5#4Kf6#412b4#4Nc6#313a3#5Nxb4#314axb4#4Be6#315Nxd3#4Ba2#316Bb2+#2Ke6#217Rxa2#2a5#218Qb3+#1Kd7#119Ne5#
Five checks, White is victorious
[Event "Weekly Five-check Arena"] [Site ""] [Date "2025.01.13"] [P1 "woll"] [P2 "PST-Greedy-Tom"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2025.01.13"] [UTCTime "09:39:38"] [P1Elo "1618"] [P2Elo "1030"] [P2Title "BOT"] [Variant "Five-check"] [TimeControl "3+2"] [ECO "A03"] [Opening "Bird Opening: Dutch Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. f4 d5 { A03 Bird Opening: Dutch Variation } 2. Nf3 Qd6? { (-0.15 → 1.05) Mistake. The following was best. } (2... Bf5 3. e3 e6 4. Bd3 Bxd3 5. cxd3 c5 6. Nc3 Nf6 7. Qa4+ Nbd7 8. O-O Be7 9. b3) 3. e3 Kd8?? { (1.22 → 4.01) Blunder. The following was best. } (3... Nf6 4. c4) 4. Ne5? { (4.01 → 2.47) Mistake. The following was best. } (4. c4 d4) 4... f5?? { (2.47 → Mate in 13) Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best. } (4... Nh6) 5. Nf7+ Kd7 6. Ne5+?! { (Mate in 10 → 16.61) Lost forced winning sequence. The following was best. } (6. Bb5+ c6 7. Bxc6+ Kc7 8. Nc3 Nxc6 9. Nb5+ Kb8 10. Nfxd6 exd6 11. b3 a5 12. Ba3 Nb4) 6... Ke6 7. c4 d4 8. c5 Qd5 9. Bc4 Qxc4 10. Nxc4 d3 11. Ne5 Kf6 12. b4 Nc6 13. a3 Nxb4 14. axb4 Be6 15. Nxd3 Ba2 16. Bb2+ Ke6 17. Rxa2 a5 18. Qb3+ Kd7 19. Ne5# { P1 gives the fifth check. } 1-0
Computer analysisMove timesCrosstableFEN & PGN
1 inaccuracy
1 mistake
0 blunders
11Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
0 inaccuracies
1 mistake
2 blunders
65Average centipawn loss
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