Abalone is a game where you try to push six of the opponent's marbles out of the board.
You play a turn by moving up to three of a line of your marbles to a neighbouring space, using one of the 6 possible directions of a hexagon.
Black goes first and so we are playing the Black marbles in this tutorial.
So for our opening move we're going to push the marble circled in green on a1. Click on it and you'll see we have three possible moves...
We can push two marbles to the right: a1 into a2, which moves these two marbles into a2 and a3. To do this move we would click on the red dot on a3. We can also do a very similar move of two marbles up the board by clicking on c1.
The final option is to push three marbles towards the middle of the board with a destination of d4. Imagine taking your finger and pushing the marble on a1 diagonally into the marble marked in b2. This moves a line of three marbles each one space towards the middle of the board. Give it a go yourself by clicking the red dot on d4!
You play a turn by moving up to three of a line of your marbles to a neighbouring space, using one of the 6 possible directions of a hexagon.
Black goes first and so we are playing the Black marbles in this tutorial.
So for our opening move we're going to push the marble circled in green on a1. Click on it and you'll see we have three possible moves...
We can push two marbles to the right: a1 into a2, which moves these two marbles into a2 and a3. To do this move we would click on the red dot on a3. We can also do a very similar move of two marbles up the board by clicking on c1.
The final option is to push three marbles towards the middle of the board with a destination of d4. Imagine taking your finger and pushing the marble on a1 diagonally into the marble marked in b2. This moves a line of three marbles each one space towards the middle of the board. Give it a go yourself by clicking the red dot on d4!