Stockfish 11+HCELoading engine ...
1. White wins by:
1.1. Checkmating the king,
1.2. Black's resignation, or
1.3. Black running out of time in a position where white has sufficient mating material.

2. White/black draws (ties) by:
2.1. Agreement,
2.2. Stalemate (where either party has material on their turn but no legal moves),
2.3. Three-fold repetition (where the same position is reached three times),
2.4. 50-move rule [...]
1...Qxe72f7+...White wins.2.fxe7?Draw by stalemate.2.dxe7?Draw by stalemate.2.g5??Black wins.Qxd63.g6Kf84.e7+Ke85.g7Qd5-+2.d7+??Black wins.Qxd73.exd7+Kxd74.g5Ke85.g6Kf86.f7Kg77.f6+Kf8-+2...Qxf73exf7+Kxf74g5Ke85g6...f6 is equally good.5...Kd76g7...6.f6?Kxd67.g7Ke68.g8=Q+Kxf6=If white runs out of time, then black wins. If black runs out of time, then the game ends in a draw. It is not possible for black to lose, but it is possible for white to lose by losing their queen.6...Kxd67g8=QKe58Qe6++−Kd49f6Kd310f7Kd211f8=QKd312Qa3+Kc213Qab3+Kd214Qee3#
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