1d1b3h3e32c1c3a7d43e1b4h2f24g1d1...Threatening a break at a4.4...a2c2Now c2 is pinned because if it moves away it allows the capture at a4.5b1b5...Blockading the a3 to a6 formation, thus limiting its mobility.5...h5f36f1c4...Black's formation b3, b4, b5, c3, c4 is fortified because the capture of any one unit is insufficient to break it.6...f2d2Trying to stop d1xd4 and isolating d1. Because the man at c2 was pinned, White was induced to try to move other units over to connect to it. Now White wants to connect his formations in the area of b2, while Black also wishes to play in this area, both to block White and to connect with d1. The area around b2 thus becomes a mass point.7b8c7...Black dominates the mass point around b2 because of the threats of c7xc2 or b5-b2 or d8xa5.7...d4b6White moves the mass point.8f8c5...Now after8.c7c2White can playe3c5and try to connect around the other side.8...h4d49g8d5...Note how the outlying units rally to the mass point. White's formation on the A-file is thin and pressed against the side, so it is extremely vulnerable to a break on a4 or a5. White can't permit such a break, for then he would need to bring each half of his former formation out into the center (one half around each side of the break). But it would take him so many moves to do so that he [...]9...h6h410d8f6a6d611d1f3c2e412f3f5...The player with superior mobility will be able to win by changing the mass point as often as needed. Black's last two moves shifted the mass point from the neighborhood of b2 to that of e5, with multiple effects. Black must soon win.
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