+0.4Stockfish 13+NNUE
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1e4+0.4e5+0.62Qh5?−0.4...Mistake. The following was best.2.Nf3Nc63.Bb5[...]2...d6−0.53Bc4−0.3Qf6?!+0.4Inaccuracy. The following was best.3...g64.Qd14d3+0.2d5??+2.8Blunder. The following was best.4...Nc65.Be3Nd4[...]5Bg5?!+1.8...Inaccuracy. The following was best.5.Bxd5Ne75...Qb6?!+2.4Inaccuracy. The following was best.5...Qg66Bxd5+2.6Ne7??+7.8Blunder. The following was best.6...g67Qxf7++7.4Kd8+7.28Bxe7+?+3.9...Mistake. The following was best.8.Nd2h69.Nc4[...]8...Bxe7+4.19Nf3+4.0Nd7+3.610Qxg7??−1.2...Blunder. The following was best.10.Nbd2Qh610...Re8??+6.7Blunder. The following was best.10...Bf611.Qh6Qxb2[...]11Nxe5??−3.6...Blunder. The following was best.11.Nbd211...Nxe5−2.912O-O?!−4.4...Inaccuracy. The following was best.12.d4Qxd412...Ng4??−1.4Blunder. The following was best.12...Qxb213.d413h3??−3.8...Blunder. The following was best.13.Nd2Bf613...Nf6??+0.7Blunder. The following was best.13...Bf614.Qf714Bf7+0.8Ng8??+9.0Blunder. The following was best.14...Rf815.Nc3Be6[...]15Qh8??+0.6...Blunder. The following was best.15.Bxe8Kxe816.Qxg8+[...]15...Bf6??+2.3Blunder. The following was best.15...Rf816Bxe8??−8.4...Blunder. The following was best.16.Qxh7Rf817.Nd2[...]16...Bxh8−8.417Bf7−8.3Ne7−7.718a4−9.6Qa6−7.119Nd2−7.7Bd7−6.920Bc4−7.5Qd6−7.221Rfe1−7.5Qa6??+4.9Blunder. The following was best.21...Bxb222.Rab1Bc3[...]22Bxa6+4.7bxa6+4.623Nc4+5.0Nc6+5.324Na5??−2.8...Blunder. The following was best.24.c3Ne525.Nxe5[...]24...Nxa5−2.825Re3?−5.1...Mistake. The following was best.25.e525...Bxa4??+6.8Blunder. The following was best.25...Bxb226.Rb1Rb8[...]26Rf3??+1.5...Blunder. The following was best.26.Rxa4Nc627.c3[...]26...Bxc2??+7.4Blunder. The following was best.26...Be827.Rxa527Rf8++7.2Kd7+7.528Rxa8+7.4Bf6+8.929Rxa7?!+4.8...Inaccuracy. The following was best.29.Rxa529...Nb3+4.830R1xa6+4.3Nc5?+9.6Mistake. The following was best.30...Bd431.Rb731Ra5?!+5.9...Inaccuracy. The following was best.31.Rxf6
Black time out, White is victorious
[Event "연습경기-주니어체스챔피언십"] [Site ""] [Date "2022.01.28"] [P1 "Eunhoo14"] [P2 "harmonyjoon"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2022.01.28"] [UTCTime "11:30:00"] [P1Elo "1500"] [P2Elo "1500"] [P1RatingDiff "+241"] [P2RatingDiff "-242"] [Variant "Chess"] [TimeControl "5+0"] [ECO "C20"] [Opening "King's Pawn Game: Wayward Queen Attack"] [Termination "Time forfeit"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5? { (0.61 → -0.40) Mistake. The following was best. } { C20 King's Pawn Game: Wayward Queen Attack } (2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. O-O Nxe4 5. Re1 Nd6 6. Nxe5 Nxe5 7. Bf1 Be7 8. Rxe5 O-O) 2... d6 3. Bc4 Qf6?! { (-0.32 → 0.44) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (3... g6 4. Qd1) 4. d3 d5?? { (0.23 → 2.80) Blunder. The following was best. } (4... Nc6 5. Be3 Nd4 6. Bxd4 exd4 7. Qf3 g6 8. Qxf6 Nxf6 9. Nd2 Bg7 10. Ndf3 O-O 11. Ne2) 5. Bg5?! { (2.80 → 1.77) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (5. Bxd5 Ne7) 5... Qb6?! { (1.77 → 2.39) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (5... Qg6) 6. Bxd5 Ne7?? { (2.62 → 7.83) Blunder. The following was best. } (6... g6) 7. Qxf7+ Kd8 8. Bxe7+? { (7.18 → 3.89) Mistake. The following was best. } (8. Nd2 h6 9. Nc4 Qa6 10. Bxe7+ Bxe7 11. Nf3 Qf6 12. Ncxe5 Rf8 13. Qxf6 Rxf6 14. d4 Rxf3) 8... Bxe7 9. Nf3 Nd7 10. Qxg7?? { (3.55 → -1.22) Blunder. The following was best. } (10. Nbd2 Qh6) 10... Re8?? { (-1.22 → 6.67) Blunder. The following was best. } (10... Bf6 11. Qh6 Qxb2 12. O-O Qxa1 13. Na3 Qc3 14. Nc4 c6 15. Be6 Be7 16. Bf5 Re8 17. Qxh7) 11. Nxe5?? { (6.67 → -3.58) Blunder. The following was best. } (11. Nbd2) 11... Nxe5 12. O-O?! { (-2.90 → -4.37) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (12. d4 Qxd4) 12... Ng4?? { (-4.37 → -1.42) Blunder. The following was best. } (12... Qxb2 13. d4) 13. h3?? { (-1.42 → -3.81) Blunder. The following was best. } (13. Nd2 Bf6) 13... Nf6?? { (-3.81 → 0.66) Blunder. The following was best. } (13... Bf6 14. Qf7) 14. Bf7 Ng8?? { (0.77 → 9.02) Blunder. The following was best. } (14... Rf8 15. Nc3 Be6 16. Bxe6 Qxe6 17. Qh6 Rg8 18. Qe3 Kd7 19. f4 Raf8 20. Rf3 h5 21. Qxa7) 15. Qh8?? { (9.02 → 0.59) Blunder. The following was best. } (15. Bxe8 Kxe8 16. Qxg8+ Bf8 17. Qxh7 Qh6 18. Qxh6 Bxh6 19. Nc3 b5 20. Nd5 Rb8 21. f4 Kf7) 15... Bf6?? { (0.59 → 2.32) Blunder. The following was best. } (15... Rf8) 16. Bxe8?? { (2.32 → -8.43) Blunder. The following was best. } (16. Qxh7 Rf8 17. Nd2 Ne7 18. Nc4 Qc5 19. d4 Qg5 20. e5 Qg7 21. Qxg7 Bxg7 22. Bh5 a5) 16... Bxh8 17. Bf7 Ne7 18. a4 Qa6 19. Nd2 Bd7 20. Bc4 Qd6 21. Rfe1 Qa6?? { (-7.53 → 4.89) Blunder. The following was best. } (21... Bxb2 22. Rab1 Bc3 23. Re2 Bxa4 24. Rxb7 Qh6 25. Nf1 Qc1 26. Re3 a5 27. Rf3 Ng6 28. Rf7) 22. Bxa6 bxa6 23. Nc4 Nc6 24. Na5?? { (5.34 → -2.81) Blunder. The following was best. } (24. c3 Ne5 25. Nxe5 Bxe5 26. d4 Bf4 27. g3 Bd6 28. Kh2 Rb8 29. Re2 h5 30. f4 Be7) 24... Nxa5 25. Re3? { (-2.85 → -5.15) Mistake. The following was best. } (25. e5) 25... Bxa4?? { (-5.15 → 6.77) Blunder. The following was best. } (25... Bxb2 26. Rb1 Rb8 27. Rg3 Rb6 28. Rg8+ Ke7 29. Rg5 Bc3 30. Rd1 h6 31. Rc5 Rc6 32. Rd5) 26. Rf3?? { (6.77 → 1.54) Blunder. The following was best. } (26. Rxa4 Nc6 27. c3 a5 28. d4 Rb8 29. Re2 Bg7 30. f4 h5 31. Kf2 h4 32. e5 Kd7) 26... Bxc2?? { (1.54 → 7.42) Blunder. The following was best. } (26... Be8 27. Rxa5) 27. Rf8+ Kd7 28. Rxa8 Bf6 29. Rxa7?! { (8.91 → 4.82) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (29. Rxa5) 29... Nb3 30. R1xa6 Nc5? { (4.31 → 9.62) Mistake. The following was best. } (30... Bd4 31. Rb7) 31. Ra5?! { (9.62 → 5.89) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } { P1 wins on time. } (31. Rxf6) 1-0
Computer analysisMove timesCrosstableFEN & PGN
4 inaccuracies
3 mistakes
7 blunders
232Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
2 inaccuracies
1 mistake
10 blunders
257Average centipawn loss
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