Stockfish 11+HCELoading engine ...
1d4+0.4e6+0.42Qd2??−1.1...Blunder. The following was best.2.c4d53.Nf3[...]2...a5??+1.2Blunder. The following was best.2...d53Qc3??−8.5...Blunder. The following was best.3.e4Nc63...Bb4−8.74Qxb4−9.3axb4−9.15e4−9.4Qh4−8.36Kd1−13.2Qxe4−12.27Bf4−16.9Qxf4−18.08Bd3−18.0Qxf2−18.19Nh3−24.5Qxg2−22.810Re1−24.3Qf3+−24.311Kc1−22.8Qxh3−24.212Rxe6+?!#−6...Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best.12.Nd2Ne712...fxe6#−713Bg6+#−6hxg6#−514Nd2#−5Qe3#−415Kd1#−3Qg1+#−316Ke2#−3Rxh2+#−217Kf3#−2Qf2+#−118Kg4#−1Rh4#
Five checks, Black is victorious
[Event "Weekly Five-check Arena"] [Site ""] [Date "2024.11.11"] [P1 "PST-Greedy-Tom"] [P2 "faiz123"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2024.11.11"] [UTCTime "06:26:39"] [P1Elo "1054"] [P2Elo "1233"] [P1Title "BOT"] [Variant "Five-check"] [TimeControl "3+2"] [ECO "A40"] [Opening "Horwitz Defense"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. d4 e6 { A40 Horwitz Defense } 2. Qd2?? { (0.44 → -1.15) Blunder. The following was best. } (2. c4 d5 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. Nc3 Bb4 5. Bg5 O-O 6. cxd5 exd5) 2... a5?? { (-1.15 → 1.19) Blunder. The following was best. } (2... d5) 3. Qc3?? { (1.19 → -8.53) Blunder. The following was best. } (3. e4 Nc6) 3... Bb4 4. Qxb4 axb4 5. e4 Qh4 6. Kd1 Qxe4 7. Bf4 Qxf4 8. Bd3 Qxf2 9. Nh3 Qxg2 10. Re1 Qf3+ 11. Kc1 Qxh3 12. Rxe6+?! { (-24.25 → Mate in 6) Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best. } (12. Nd2 Ne7) 12... fxe6 13. Bg6+ hxg6 14. Nd2 Qe3 15. Kd1 Qg1+ 16. Ke2 Rxh2+ 17. Kf3 Qf2+ 18. Kg4 Rh4# { P2 gives the fifth check. } 0-1
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1 inaccuracy
0 mistakes
2 blunders
77Average centipawn loss
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0 inaccuracies
0 mistakes
1 blunder
21Average centipawn loss
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