Weekly Challenge 55: Racing Team

Weekly Challenge 55: Racing Team

Win a game of Racing Kings vs Stockfish Level 2 with the largest number of your pieces on the 8th (final) Rank.

Adjudication Criteria:
1. Largest number of your pieces on the 8th Rank
2. Fewest moves (plies)
3. Earliest Entry

Additional Restrictions:
- No takebacks

Closing Date: Monday 29th April 1200 UTC+0

Entries for Weekly Challenge 55 has closed. Thanks to all users who participated.

The winner is @e-pluszak who won a game of Racing Kings against Stockfish level 2 with 7 pieces on the 8th rank in 36 moves (71 ply) in the following game:

Users are still welcome to attempt this challenge and post answers here, but the winner has been fixed. The next challenge can be found here:
