Played 2 Bestemshe games
No note yet
I love Othello and LOA, and I hope there's going to be some Chess variants added here. Also, I play Brawl Stars and Geometry Dash. I probably will lose most of my games here. (formerly newplayer001100, who joined on March 28, 2022)
Member since 26 Oct 2023
Time spent playing: 3 hours and 3 minutes
Time featured on TV: 1 hour and 29 minutes
Played 2 Togyzqumalaq games
Played 1 Bestemshe game
Played 4 Bestemshe games
Played 4 Mini Breakthrough games
Played 1 Breakthrough game
Played 1 Breakthrough game
Played 5 Togyzqumalaq games
Played 1 Monster game