No note yet
Member since 26 May 2022
Game completion rate: 88%
Time spent playing: 14 hours and 47 minutes
Time featured on TV: 3 hours and 26 minutes
15+5 • Oware • Rated • Oware - MSO 22 Warmup Arena
Game finished, North is victorious
1. d1e2 d2a1 2. b1f1 b2d1 3. b1c1 f2a2 ... 40 turns
15+5 • Oware • Rated • Oware - MSO 22 Warmup Arena
Game finished, South is victorious
1. f1c2 a2d1 2. c1e2 d2b1 3. e1c2 e2c1 ... 34 turns
15+5 • Oware • Rated • Oware - MSO 22 Warmup Arena
Game finished, South is victorious
1. f1c2 a2d1 2. c1e2 c2c1 3. c1d1 e2b1 ... 34 turns
15+5 • Oware • Rated • Oware - MSO 22 Warmup Arena
South resigned, North is victorious
1. a1e1 d2a1 2. a1b1 e2a2 3. d1d2 e2d2 ... 26 turns
15+5 • Oware • Rated • Oware - MSO 22 Warmup Arena
Game finished, North is victorious
1. f1c2 a2d1 2. c1e2 e2b1 3. b1e2 d2c1 ... 43 turns
15+5 • Oware • Rated • Oware - MSO 22 Warmup Arena
Game finished, North is victorious
1. b1f1 d2a1 2. c1e2 e2a1 3. f1a2 d2b2 ... 15 turns
15+5 • Oware • Rated • Oware - MSO 22 Warmup Arena
North resigned, South is victorious
1. f1c2 a2d1 2. c1e2 c2c1 3. c1d1 e2b1 ... 64 turns
15+5 • Oware • Rated • Oware - MSO 22 Warmup Arena
South resigned, North is victorious
1. d1e2 d2a1 2. b1f1 b2d1 3. b1c1 e2a1 ... 14 turns
15+5 • Oware • Rated • Oware - MSO 22 Warmup Arena
Game finished, North is victorious
1. f1c2 a2d1 2. c1e2 c2c1 3. b1e2 e2c1 ... 62 turns
15+5 • Oware • Rated • Oware - MSO 22 Warmup Arena
Game finished, North is victorious
1. b1f1 d2a1 2. c1e2 e2a1 3. f1a2 e2d2 ... 25 turns
15+5 • Oware • Rated • Oware - MSO 22 Warmup Arena
Game finished, South is victorious
1. f1c2 a2d1 2. d1d2 d2c1 3. f1f2 e2b1 ... 79 turns