3+2 • International • Casual 4 weeks agoBOT PS-Greedy-Four-Move1675mast3rkiller1500?Black time out, White is victorious1. 31-27 19-23 2. 34-29 23x34 3. 39x30 20-25 ... 36 turns
3+2 • American/English • Casual 1 month agoBOT PS-Greedy-Four-Move1589mast3rkiller1500?Black is victorious1. 24-19 11-15 2. 21-17 15x24 3. 27x20 12-16 ... 44 turns
3+2 • American/English • Casual 1 month agomast3rkiller1500?BOT PS-Greedy-One-Move757?Black is victorious1. 22-18 11-15 2. 18x11 8x15 3. 23-19 4-8 ... 44 turns
3+5 • American/English • Casual 1 month agomast3rkiller1500?BOT PS-Greedy-Four-Move1556Black time out, White is victorious1. 22-18 9-14 2. 18x9 5x14 3. 26-22 14-18 ... 13 turns
3+2 • American/English • Casual 1 month agoBOT PS-Random-Mover1500?mast3rkiller1500?White is victorious1. 23-18 10-14 2. 24-19 14x23 3. 27x18 11-15 ... 41 turns
3+2 • Brazilian • Casual 1 month agomast3rkiller1500?BOT PS-Random-Mover1500?White time out, Black is victorious1. 23-19 10-14 2. 22-18 14x23 3. 23x16 24-20 ... 14 turns
3+9 • American/English • Casual 1 month agoBOT PS-Random-Mover1500?mast3rkiller1500?White is victorious1. 22-17 10-14 2. 17x10 7x14 3. 26-22 14-17 ... 23 turns
3+9 • International • Casual 1 month agoBOT PS-Greedy-Two-Move1514mast3rkiller1500?Black resigned, White is victorious1. 31-27 18-22 2. 27x18 13x22 3. 35-30 9-13 ... 12 turns
3+2 • International • Casual 1 month agoBOT PS-Greedy-Two-Move1514mast3rkiller1500?Black time out, White is victorious1. 31-27 19-23 2. 35-30 20-24 3. 30x19 19x28 ... 15 turns
∞ • King of the Hill • Casual 2 months agoStockfish level 1800mast3rkiller1500?Black resigned, White is victoriousB00 Barnes Defense1. e4 f6 2. Ke2 f5 3. d3 d6 ... 5 turns
3+2 • Shogi • Casual 2 months agoBOT PS-Random-Mover1500?mast3rkiller1500?Gote resigned, Sente is victorious1. c1c2 f7f6 2. h2f2 f6f5 3. i1i2 f5f4 ... 6 turns
3+2 • American/English • Casual 2 months agoBOT PS-Greedy-Four-Move1617mast3rkiller1500?White time out, Black is victorious1. 24-19 11-15 2. 21-17 15x24 3. 27x20