[Event "PlayStrategy End of Year 2024 Medley Arena"]
[Site "https://playstrategy.org/BSpGMVan"]
[Date "2024.12.30"]
[P1 "oruro"]
[P2 "pergioco"]
[Result "0-1"]
[UTCDate "2024.12.30"]
[UTCTime "16:45:19"]
[P1Elo "1558"]
[P2Elo "2054"]
[P1RatingDiff "-1"]
[P2RatingDiff "+3"]
[Variant "Scrambled Eggs"]
[TimeControl "3 d/5"]
[ECO "?"]
[Opening "?"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[FEN "1lLlLlL1/L6l/l6L/L6l/l6L/L6l/l6L/1LlLlLl1 w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
[Annotator "playstrategy.org"]
1. Lff3 L7f5 2. Lxf5 Lhxf5 3. Lg4 Lxg4 4. Lgg6 Lfd6 5. Le5 Lae6 6. Lc5 Lbxe5 7. Lbe4 Lxe4 8. Lxf5 Lac4 9. Lhf6 Lxf6 10. Le3 Lhf3 11. Lac5 L1c3 12. Lxe5 Ldd5 13. Ld7 Lb2# { P2 connects all of their pieces. } 0-1