[Event "Chess Medley Marathon Arena"]
[Site "https://playstrategy.org/EeVqlkkV"]
[Date "2024.12.20"]
[P1 "WildWizard"]
[P2 "woll"]
[Result "0-1"]
[UTCDate "2024.12.20"]
[UTCTime "15:00:54"]
[P1Elo "1212"]
[P2Elo "1715"]
[P1RatingDiff "-7"]
[P2RatingDiff "+2"]
[Variant "King of the Hill"]
[TimeControl "5+3"]
[ECO "A00"]
[Opening "Mieses Opening: Reversed Rat"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[Annotator "playstrategy.org"]
1. d3 e5 { A00 Mieses Opening: Reversed Rat } 2. e3 d5 3. Nf3 Bd6 4. Nc3 c6 5. e4 d4 6. Nxe5 Bxe5 7. Qh5 Nd7 8. Qg4 dxc3 9. Bg5 Ndf6 10. Qf3 cxb2 11. Rb1 h6 12. Bxf6 Nxf6 13. d4 Qxd4 14. Rd1 Qc3+ 15. Ke2 Bg4 16. Rd3 Qxc2+ 17. Rd2 Qc4+ 18. Rd3 Bxf3+ 19. gxf3 b1=Q 20. Bh3 Qbxd3+ 21. Ke1 Qe2# { P2 wins by checkmate. } 0-1