Stockfish 11+HCEUsing server analysis
1f3??−1.7...Blunder. The following was best.1...a6?!−1.0Inaccuracy. The following was best.1...e62.c4Ba3[...]2h3−0.8h6?!0.0Inaccuracy. The following was best.2...c63.d33c3?!−0.8...Inaccuracy. The following was best.3.d3Rh73...f6?!0.0Inaccuracy. The following was best.3...c64.Kf24e3?!−0.6...Inaccuracy. The following was best.4.Qb3e64...b5??+2.2Blunder. The following was best.4...f55.Bxa65Bxb5+1.7axb5+1.66Qa4?!+0.6...Inaccuracy. The following was best.6.Ke2Rxa26...bxa4??#12Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best.6...Rxa47.c47b3#12axb3#118axb3#11Rxa1#109c4#11Rxb1#1010c5#14Rxb3#1311c6??−1.8...Lost forced winning sequence. The following was best.11.d3Rxd312.Bb2[...]11...Rxe3−2.212cxd7??−10.5...Blunder. The following was best.12.dxe3Nxc612...Rxe1??−0.1Blunder. The following was best.12...Bxd713dxe8=N??#−14...Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best.13.dxe8=QBxh313...Bxh3#−1814Nxc7#−13Qxd2??#6Lost forced winning sequence. The following was best.14...Bxg215.Rxh6Rxg1[...]15Rxh3??#−10...Lost forced winning sequence. The following was best.15.gxh3Rxc116.Ne2[...]15...Qxg2#−1016Rxh6#−9Rxh6#−917Bxh6#−8Qxf3#−818Nxf3#−6gxh6#−719Nxe1#−6Na6??−0.3Lost forced winning sequence. The following was best.19...e620.Nxe6Ne7[...]20Nxa60.0f5−0.221Nf3−0.5e5−0.122Nxe50.0Bc5??+40.7Blunder. The following was best.22...f423.Nc5Bxc5[...]23Nxc5#22f4+99.024Nb7??0.0...Blunder. The following was best.24.Nc4f324...f30.025Nxf3−0.1h50.026Ng50.0h40.027Ne6?!−0.5...Inaccuracy. The following was best.27.Nc5Nf628.Nge6[...]27...h3−0.328Nbd8−0.3h20.029Ng5?!−0.5...Inaccuracy. The following was best.29.Nf4Ne730.Ne2[...]29...Nh6?!0.0Inaccuracy. The following was best.29...Nf630.Nb7Nd5[...]30Ne4−0.4Nf7??#5Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best.30...Ng431.Nc5Ne3[...]31Nxf7#5h1=Q#232Nd8#2Qxe4#133Nc6#1Qxc6#
Variant ending, White is victorious
[Event "Chess Variants Medley Shield 55 Arena"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.06.24"] [P1 "AK4SHR0I"] [P2 "PST-Greedy-Tom"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2023.06.24"] [UTCTime "19:15:45"] [P1Elo "1464"] [P2Elo "1249"] [P1RatingDiff "+40"] [P2RatingDiff "-6"] [P2Title "BOT"] [Variant "Antichess"] [TimeControl "5+3"] [ECO "?"] [Opening "?"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. f3?? { (0.15 → -1.67) Blunder. The following was best. } (1. e3 c5) 1... a6?! { (-1.67 → -1.00) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (1... e6 2. c4 Ba3 3. Nxa3 Qh4 4. h3 Qxc4 5. Nxc4 e5 6. Nxe5 Nf6 7. Nxf7 Kxf7 8. g4) 2. h3 h6?! { (-0.78 → -0.04) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (2... c6 3. d3) 3. c3?! { (-0.04 → -0.77) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (3. d3 Rh7) 3... f6?! { (-0.77 → 0.01) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (3... c6 4. Kf2) 4. e3?! { (0.01 → -0.62) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (4. Qb3 e6) 4... b5?? { (-0.62 → 2.21) Blunder. The following was best. } (4... f5 5. Bxa6) 5. Bxb5 axb5 6. Qa4?! { (1.63 → 0.59) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (6. Ke2 Rxa2) 6... bxa4?? { (0.59 → Mate in 12) Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best. } (6... Rxa4 7. c4) 7. b3 axb3 8. axb3 Rxa1 9. c4 Rxb1 10. c5 Rxb3 11. c6?? { (Mate in 13 → -1.79) Lost forced winning sequence. The following was best. } (11. d3 Rxd3 12. Bb2 Rxe3 13. Bxf6 gxf6 14. g4 Rxf3 15. Nxf3 c6 16. Ne5 fxe5 17. Ke2 Qb6) 11... Rxe3 12. cxd7?? { (-2.21 → -10.50) Blunder. The following was best. } (12. dxe3 Nxc6) 12... Rxe1?? { (-10.50 → -0.15) Blunder. The following was best. } (12... Bxd7) 13. dxe8=N?? { (-0.15 → Mate in 14) Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best. } (13. dxe8=Q Bxh3) 13... Bxh3 14. Nxc7 Qxd2?? { (Mate in 13 → Mate in 6) Lost forced winning sequence. The following was best. } (14... Bxg2 15. Rxh6 Rxg1 16. Rxf6 Qxc7 17. Rxf8 Qxc1 18. Rxb8 Bxf3 19. Rxg8 Rxg8 20. d3 Qc4 21. dxc4) 15. Rxh3?? { (Mate in 6 → Mate in 10) Lost forced winning sequence. The following was best. } (15. gxh3 Rxc1 16. Ne2 Rxh1 17. Nb5 Qxe2 18. Nd4 Rxh3 19. Nxe2 Rxf3 20. Ng3 Rxg3#) 15... Qxg2 16. Rxh6 Rxh6 17. Bxh6 Qxf3 18. Nxf3 gxh6 19. Nxe1 Na6?? { (Mate in 6 → -0.29) Lost forced winning sequence. The following was best. } (19... e6 20. Nxe6 Ne7 21. Nxf8 Nd7 22. Nxd7 Nf5 23. Nxf6 h5 24. Nxh5 Ng3 25. Nxg3#) 20. Nxa6 f5 21. Nf3 e5 22. Nxe5 Bc5?? { (0.00 → 40.71) Blunder. The following was best. } (22... f4 23. Nc5 Bxc5 24. Nc4 Bb6 25. Nxb6 f3 26. Nc8 Nf6 27. Ne7 Nh5 28. Nc6 Nf4 29. Nb4) 23. Nxc5 f4 24. Nb7?? { (145.39 → -0.05) Blunder. The following was best. } (24. Nc4 f3) 24... f3 25. Nxf3 h5 26. Ng5 h4 27. Ne6?! { (0.00 → -0.52) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (27. Nc5 Nf6 28. Nge6 Ng4 29. Nd4 h3 30. Nce6 Nf2 31. Nf5 h2 32. Ned4 Nd3 33. Ne3 Nf4) 27... h3 28. Nbd8 h2 29. Ng5?! { (0.00 → -0.52) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (29. Nf4 Ne7 30. Ne2 Nc6 31. Nxc6 h1=K 32. Nc3 Kh2 33. Nd4 Kh3 34. Nd5 Kh4 35. Nc3 Kh3) 29... Nh6?! { (-0.52 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. The following was best. } (29... Nf6 30. Nb7 Nd5 31. Nd6 Nf4 32. Ngf7 Nh5 33. Nb7 h1=K 34. Ne5 Ng3 35. Nd6 Kh2 36. Ndc4) 30. Ne4 Nf7?? { (-0.44 → Mate in 5) Your opponent can now force a win. The following was best. } (30... Ng4 31. Nc5 Ne3 32. Nf7 Nd5 33. Nh6 Nf6 34. Nb7 Nh5 35. Nc5 Ng3 36. Ne6 Nf5 37. Nxf5) 31. Nxf7 h1=Q 32. Nd8 Qxe4 33. Nc6 Qxc6# { Game ends by variant rule. } 1-0
Computer analysisMove timesCrosstableFEN & PGN
5 inaccuracies
0 mistakes
6 blunders
200Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
4 inaccuracies
0 mistakes
7 blunders
237Average centipawn loss
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