Double the fun: Introducing the cube for Backgammon!


We are excited to welcome the use of the Doubling Cube in Backgammon games

We are delighted to share with you that the Doubling Cube is now supported for all Backgammon games on PlayStrategy! This is currently only supported within our Swiss tournament setup. We also enforce the Crawford rule for our Backgammon games. For more information about the Doubling Cube see our backgammon rules page.

We have a test tournament running on Sunday 26th January at 17:30 UTC+0.
All are welcome to join, and we would be keen to hear any feedback either in reply to this blog post in the forum or privately to the developers (@statmatt, @jheps). In this instance we are aware of some extensions and polish that we would like to add:

  • Option to resign an individual game (rather than the full match)
  • Information about how many points are being resigned
  • Clearer visuals in the Swiss view about the score of in-play matches and completed matches

However, we believe that the core functionality is all there, and matches can be played and correctly scored.

The reason for launching at this stage is in preparation for the Mind Sports Olympiad tournaments coming up in February. The MSO will be running a number of multipoint backgammon swiss tournaments as part of their online Grand Prix with the first tournament scheduled for Saturday 1st February.

We plan to allow lobby and play-with-friend games to also support multipoint backgammon games, what the space!

As always, continue to enjoy using PlayStrategy for free and please let us know of any bugs or feedback you have!
