Bots fight

Hello, today I announce grand battle with two bots - @Antihackers_Botik and @PS_Greedy_Two_Move.

They are both evaluating position by only 2 next half-moves, but Antihackers Botik cannot castle or move pawn from 2nd file to 4th, and Greedy Tom cannot see checkmate in 3, if opponent has one possible move and he is slower.

Also, I will STREAM this fight!

The battle will begin in 5 hours, as a match of 5 games.

Have great day all!

And Greedy Tom wins!

Thank you everyone who watched my stream, this was a good fight!

The score is 4 - 3 for Greedy Tom (+3 =2 -2), I made two tie-breaks!

Sounds like a great battle! Could you share a link to your stream for anyone wondering how to find it?

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