No, @oruro
@fish224 closed his account after the forfeit!
Then 4-0 in @Jisu101 favor!
"1st PlayStrategy Cup" Scheduling
fish224 has been disqualified from the Cup of course because the account is closed but mainly for not showing up to the match on saturday and lost on forfeit for the second time.
In the Challonge site all the results involving fish224 are already done!
playing with @SirTovo at 00:30 UTC on Wednesday (tonight)
did not announce boxes yet
We will play Today (Tuesday) 10:45 UTC.
I (Jisu101) chose BOX 3: Mini Shogi
Tovo has not yet sent the box he chose to me. EDIT: He chose BOX 1: Go 9x9.
I choose Go 9x9 (BOX 1) vs Jusu101
and antichess (BOX 8) vs vincent.
I won 3-1 against Tovo.
It was Round 5 by the way :)
Crosstable update!
@oruro vs. @HawaiiBlue are scheduled to play on Wednesday (tomorrow) at 15:00 UTC for the match of the round 4.
I choose BOX 10 so we will have Antichess AND Antidraughts :D