
Thanks for raising this issue, we will look into the problem, could you provide some more details to help us investigate.
The last move shows the bot played R*62, did you see that on your display? Could you describe what you saw, e.g. did the opponent's clock hit 0, was there a display showing you had won on time, etc.?

The bot's clock reaches 0:00, he walks and the game ends because I overstayed the time, not the bot.

We have managed to replicate this and therefore can start investigating further, thanks.

Thanks for raising this issue, that is interesting I don't see the pieces either. We will hope to resolve this within your time limit!

Note - you can hold down a number (1-5 for pawn-queen, e.g. 2 for knight) which causes the mouse cursor to be that piece you are dropping. You can then click a square with that piece and submit that move. This will fix the current situation, however we are still working on a more permanent fix.

We have just released a fix for the missing pocket bug above, you should be able to drop pieces again!
We are still looking into the bot timeout bug.

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