"Cavalery attack" chess variant and other ideas to improve the site

I suggest a new chess variant "Cavalery attack". Instead of classic chess set white player has 16 knights and a king. And the black player has a normal for us chess set. To win white must capture the black king. To win black must capture the white king and all their knights. There are no checks in this variant.
Position link:
One more chess variant for today. "Pawn fight" is an all-known chess variant, where instead of normal pieces players just have pawns and a king. Position link:
One more big idea is to make puzzles. In puzzles, there could be puzzle racer, classic puzzles, and puzzle fights where players fight solving puzzles on time. Every puzzle will become harder. 1 solved right puzzle - 1 point. 1 solved the wrong puzzle - minus 1 second. There could be 30 sec, 60 sec, and 180-second regimes. And the last suggestions are flags. You can add the FIDE flag, King flag, Queen flag, Bishop flag, Knight flag, Pawn flag, Berserk flag, Patron flag (available only for patrons) Thanks for your attention. Bye! If you don't understand something, write me PM

Thanks for the variant suggestion, we will add it to our list of potential new variants. Are these variants you have come up with yourself? Or have you seen these elsewhere on the internet?

We do intend to introduce Puzzles to PlayStrategy at some point, but will want to cover more game families and variants than just Chess. If you want to play Chess puzzles now, lichess is an excellent place to do so.

Ok, I saw "pawn fight" at my real chess club. But "cavalerie attack i made by myself

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