Go updates

We've launched a few updates and upgrades for Go throughout this week, with the most recent just now.

Following the initial launch of Go the following changes have been made:
- Default Komi has been set to 7.5. You must use 7.5 if you want to play a rated game
- You can now create rated Go games through the lobby
- The performance of 19x19 play has been significantly improved

We announced earlier in the week that bots are available to play for Go. We are still investigating some general slowness regarding the bots - they do appear to timeout quite easily at 19x19.

For more information about the addition of Go to PlayStrategy, please see:

Following on from the earlier announcement, we've been able to deploy an update to enable the bots to play Go at a reasonable pace. Please try out @PS-Greedy-One-Move for Go!

One suggestion, I've noticed it playing against the bot, and in the 19x19 shield, that it can be a bit hard to spot the last move played with the green outline.

It might be good to have an alternate option, like a dot in the centre of the stone, white dot on black stones (which is what some software editors like Sabaki do) or possibly a circle on the last placed stone, white circle on black stone, which some servers like OGS and I think KGS do.

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