In the last few days we've been updating all of your user profile pages! These changes only appear on desktop, so don't go hunting around on mobile for them.
We have removed all of the trophies that were visible on profiles for being in the Top 10, 100 etc of any rating. This is because currently there are not enough players to make these a challenge, and any player who had simply played enough games in any rating were being awarded the trophies. These may come back again in the future, if they become more of an achievement. If you want them back, you can help by getting more people to play here!
In the place of the trophies, are awards for users who medalled in any of the events we ran last summer as part of the Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO). Last year, the MSO celebrated their 25th year of running competitions and commemorated this by awarding special one-off design medals in all of their 2021 events. PlayStrategy hosted the MSO's Chess, Draughts and Lines of Action tournaments and so the users who won medals in these events now also have a virtual medal on their profile to go with their physical medal! Missed out in 2021? There will be more tournaments in association with the MSO in the coming months, where there will be more medals up for grabs! We will announce further details soon, but you can get more information about the Mind Sports Olympiad at:
Finally, we are now recognising and displaying badges for those users who are contributing to PlayStrategy. There are developer and moderator badges, and only users with these badges are involved in the running of the website. There is also the Patron wings to recognise those users who have donated to PlayStrategy. Anyone can do that, by going here:
A good example of a user who has some medals and badges is: @Jheps who will have some more exciting updates about PlayStrategy in the coming weeks!
Medals, Trophies and Badges update
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