New Variant: Monster Chess is on PlayStrategy!

Is there already some theory developed? Looks like alrrady move 1 is important

Naturally, there is no theory of the game since few people have played and still play Monster Chess.
As a rule, all variants of chess with Different Armies are unbalanced and always favor one side or another.
By analogy with Maharaja, we can say that Monster Chess is win for Black. Yes, this is difficult to prove, but most likely.
Keep in mind that in Dave Regis's original rules, the starting side was the one with a full set of chess pieces.

Are there people here who would do a Monster Chess Tournament maybe, twice a week?

Can you extend this variant to allow white to choose what 4 pawns he wants to have? Since Black has the advantage, this might make sense. I definitely prefer the g2 pawn over c2, not sure about d2.

Or before the start of the game, you can keep your four white pawns in hand (in reserve) as in Shogi and drop them along the second row in any of your turn.

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