Hello Everyone!
The First Edition of the "PlayStrategy Cup" will come soon!
To get access to all the information you need about rules and the inscripcion process please join the team:
Spread the word!
PlayStrategy Cup
Hello everyone!
The 1st PlayStrategy Cup is coming, a tournament with a very exciting and original format!
Do not miss the chance to get all the information joining the team: playstrategy.org/team/playstrategy-cup
It is time to Play Strategy!
هل سيكون هناك الذهاب في هذا الكأس؟ إنها لعبتي المفضلة هنا!
Google Trad : Will there be go in this cup? It's my favourite game here!
Hello @tv
Thanks for asking.
Yes, GO is going to be part of the PlayStrategy Cup.
Actually every single game that is part of PlayStrategy is going to be involved in the Cup
But the players that are going to be part in the Cup are not playing all of them, so just relax :)
It is going to be fun!
عظيم! أخبار جيدة! لذلك يجب أن أتعلم كل قواعد اللعبة للمشاركة؟
Great! Good news! So must I learn all the game's rules to participate?
You wont need to play all the games that PlayStrategy actually has.
But you will be able to choose some of them (as your opponents too), but as I said before, all the information with all the details is Coming Soon!
طيب لا يمكن أن تنتظر ذلك!
Ok can't wait for that!
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