Hello, I'm starting a session with 2 players, And...I press "start", And then when I immediately pressed this button, all the players simply disappeared, and the session remained. Please tell me what to do, it's been a lot of times. I can't give you more description of the problem.
Session error
Hi @Vladimir is this for when you are starting simuls like this one: playstrategy.org/simul/CtjGrMXD ?
Any player who isn't actually online will be automatically removed from the simul. Unfortunately the simul shows all players with green circles which is a bit misleading. Instead you should look in the bottom left hand corner of the page at the spectators of the page. Only the players listed here are online and ready to play - if there are none here then you won't get any games
<Comment deleted by user>
No, probably one of us either didn't understand what I was talking about, or I didn't understand what you were talking about. 2 PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY LOGGED INTO my session, I clicked "start", and all the players disappeared somewhere, but the session remained.
@Vladimir Could you send us a link to the session you are referring to or set up a similar session so I can confirm what you are talking about?
I can 't find the link . there is no session anymore , BUT ! I can create 1 more session with only 2 players (well, because that was the case in the session where there was a problem) only the main thing I can't do 1: I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT OPTIONS I CREATED THERE!
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