Warning for playing against one move

After playing some KotH against Greedy-One-Move i got this message

In your game history, you have several games where the opponent clearly has intentionally lost against you. Attempts to artificially manipulate your own or someone else's rating are unacceptable.

If this behaviour continues to happen, your account will be restricted.

I thought Greedy-One-Move is trying to win

I also played a rating game with a bot in mini xiangqi and I received the same notification.This means that if you still play such games with him or with other players, there will be an mtka, you will be banned, you will not be able to play rating games and participate in tournaments!

By the way, this is what I say to the moderators:Please configure this bot so that there is no such problem anymore!

Hello @HawaiiBlue thanks for raising this discussion.

If you receive this message after playing against a bot then you should consider playing the bot in casual games rather than rated. The bots can play rated games as we would like to see them stabilise around their true rating. However, if you are repeatedly playing the bot in rated games and winning, this could be considered 'rating farming' and, depending on the circumstances, PlayStrategy may feel it necessary to remove you from ranking leaderboards.

@PS-Greedy-One-Move is trying to win, however it may have lines where it can be repeatedly exploited.

Despite this, I feel the tone of that message is a bit over-the-top for the situation, and needs to be updated to reflect the bot situation on PlayStrategy - something we will look into.

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