Will playstrategy use the Scan engine for draughts?

At they use an engine called Scan for computer analysis of the draughts games there. It doesn't support all variants but it does support quite a few. I noticed that the computer analysis for all of the games supported on playstrategy are through stockfish. I don't really know much about programming but was just curious about how implementing a draughts engine would work. Would Stockfish need to be adapted to play draughts or could an existing engine like Scan be used like on lidraughts?

Hi @ganelon sorry for the delayed replied, we missed this one.

We do want to add engines for all our games, and Scan does look a good option for some of our Draughts variants. Its not the simplest thing to set up and integrate with PlayStrategy, (we would need both Stockfish and Scan running and then routing adding to use the right one). So, for the moment it remains quite low down on our priorities I'm afraid.

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