New Variant: Monster Chess is on PlayStrategy!

@e-pluszak agreed, something we didn't catch in testing. We'll look to sort out a fix
@Jisu101 I'm still not sure about what you are saying? If you believe there to be an issue, please provide more detail.

Congratulations and thanks for another amazing game added to the site!

The white king is indeed a Monster!

We've deployed a fix for the insufficient material problem, following the report from @e-pluszak (thanks!)
There was also a problem with 'Request a Computer Analysis' for Othello/Shogi/Xiangqi since this mornings release. This has also now been fixed.

I really liked this variant, although I always played if with pawns from e2 to h2.

Also if rated atomic/3+ challenges can only be "random colours", then monster-chess also should be

I notice too (ok off-topic but well...) that Go still needs to be added to analysis board too :)

@Jisu101 thanks we are aiming to support this before the end of the year!
@e-pluszak thanks, the random colours is also constrained for other variants/time modes so this needs changing/updating.

I think the win rule in monster chess should be capturing the king, otherwise it is so confusing lol
