I break my record with this game:
3 captures, 21 moves (42 plys)
Weekly Challenge 2: Antidomination
I think the challenge is supposed to be against the @PS-Greedy-One-Move bot. It's a bit more predictable, so that could help you make some plans to improve your record!
nice feedback
If the challenge was allowed to be against @PS-Random-Mover, you could make 0 captures 15 moves:
play 1. e3 and wait until bot plays d6, 2. Qg4 and forced win in 14
Wow that’s crazy I didn’t realise there could be a forced win that quickly!
Entries for Weekly Challenge 2 has closed. Thanks to all users who participated.
The winner is @SirTovo with 0 captures from 18 moves (36 ply) from the following game: playstrategy.org/v74Cl8Y4
Users are still welcome to attempt this challenge and post answers here, but the winner has been fixed. The next challenge can be found here: playstrategy.org/forum/weekly-challenges/weekly-challenge-3-biggest-othello-score
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