Weekly Challenge 59 Upside Down Mini Shogi

Weekly Challenge 59 Upside Down Mini Shogi

Create a study which shows a game sequence where the starting pieces for both players are swapped in the fewest number of moves

Adjudication Criteria:
1. Fewest moves (plies) to reach this position
2. Earliest Entry
Closing Date: Monday 27th May 1200 UTC+0

Additional Restrictions:
- Put the number of plys/moves in the forum post along with your study link
- Do not edit the forum post after posting. This will invalidate your entry
- If the study chapter's moves don't match what is claimed in the forum post then the entry will be invalid

If you wish to improve your study and submit a better entry, please clone your original study into a new one, make changes in the new study and make a new forum post with the details and new study link.

I do not know how to create a study.
33 ply
[Variant "Mini Shogi"]
[FEN "lnsgkgsnl/1r5b1/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL[] w - - 0 1"]

1. d1a4 b5e2 2. e1e2 a5a4 3. a1b2 e5d4 4. b2c2 d4c4
5. c2d2 c4b3 6. d2d3 a4a2 7. e2e4 a2a1 8. e4e5 a1b1
9. e5d5 b1c1 10. d5c5 @a2 11. @e4 b3b2 12. d3d4 b2a1
13. d4e5 c1e1 14. c5a5 S@c1 15. S@c5 G@b1 16. G@d5 B@d1
17. B@b5

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