Win a game of Togyzqumalaq vs @PS-Greedy-One-Move with the highest score. You need 82 stones to win a game of Togyzqumalaq, but can you get more?
Adjudication Criteria:
1. Highest number of stones in your winning score
2. Lowest number of stones in your opponent's score
3. Fewest moves (plies)
4. Earliest Entry
Closing Date: Monday 26th August 1200 UTC+0
Weekly Challenge 72: Highest Togy Win
It seems to me that there has already been a task with such a condition, and it is not easy to win against this bot, especially in this case.
My brother game 105 ply
Look there:
I have expanded my study a bit.
Look this game is much better at the two points:
2. Lowest number of stones in your opponent's score
3. Fewest moves (plies)
Only a few stones for the loser and only a few moves.
But you are lose(((
Only got to 90, it is tough, without much experience beating the greedy one move :P
Entries for Weekly Challenge 72 has closed. Thanks to all users who participated.
The winner is @vladimir who won a game of Togyzqumalaq with a score of 92 vs @PS-Greedy-One-Move.
Users are still welcome to attempt this challenge and post answers here, but the winner has been fixed. The next challenge can be found here:
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