Weekly Challenge 93 Able-Win:
Win a game of Abalone vs @PS-Greedy-Two-Move in the fewest moves.
Adjudication Criteria:
1. Fewest moves (plies) in the full game
2. Greatest score difference
3. Earliest Entry
Weekly Challenge 93 Able-Win:
27 moves
Entries for Weekly Challenge 93 has closed. Thanks to all users who participated.
The winner is @saabalone who won a game of Abalone in 19 moves (39 ply) in the following game: playstrategy.org/uS1YsnEB
Users are still welcome to attempt this challenge and post answers here, but the winner has been fixed. The next challenge can be found here: playstrategy.org/forum/weekly-challenges/weekly-challenge-94-adjacent-lines