Weekly Challenge 96: Flipping Fine Finish
Win a game of Othello vs @PS-Greedy-Two-Move where you take the last turn of the game and flip the most pieces on it.
Adjudication Criteria:
1. Biggest change in your score on the last turn (which is taken by you)
2. Biggest score difference at the end of the game
3. Earliest Entry
Closing Date: Monday 10th February 1200 UTC+0
This week's challenge ties in with the Othello MSO tournament which takes place this Tuesday: playstrategy.org/swiss/Mdm1R1AP
Weekly Challenge 96: Flipping Fine Finish
+4 points for White on the last turn (final score 46-18)
+10 points, 37:26
<Comment deleted by user>
Entries for Weekly Challenge 96 has closed. Thanks to all users who participated.
The winner is @Antishish who won a game of Othello with a gain of 10 points with the final move of the following game: playstrategy.org/QWuAGcpF
Users are still welcome to attempt this challenge and post answers here, but the winner has been fixed. The next challenge can be found here: playstrategy.org/forum/weekly-challenges/weekly-challenge-97-neighbouring-amazons