[Event "King of the Hill - MSO 2021 Arena"] [Site ""] [Date "2021.08.18"] [P1 "UXBRIDGEBOY"] [P2 "knightleap"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2021.08.18"] [UTCTime "20:15:27"] [P1Elo "1402"] [P2Elo "1561"] [P1RatingDiff "-22"] [P2RatingDiff "+22"] [Variant "King of the Hill"] [TimeControl "3+2"] [ECO "C50"] [Opening "Giuoco Piano"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 { C50 Giuoco Piano } 4. Nc3 d6 5. d3 Nge7 6. Bg5 O-O 7. O-O Na5 8. Nd5 Re8 9. Nxe7+ Rxe7 10. Bxe7 Qxe7 11. Bb3 Nxb3 12. axb3 Bg4 13. h3 Bh5 14. c3 Qf6 15. d4 exd4 16. cxd4 Bxf3 17. Qxf3 Qxf3 18. gxf3 Bxd4 19. Ra2 g5 20. Kg2 Kg7 21. Kg3 Be5+ 22. f4 Bxf4+ 23. Kf3 Kf6 24. e5+ Kxe5# { P2 brings the king in the center. } 0-1
Computer analysisMove timesCrosstableFEN & PGN