With only about 1/4th of the tourney in I managed to finish 4th, still an extraordinary achievement
1 • BeyondOmniversalLVL •- krtecci - BeyondOmniversalLVL
- BeyondOmniversalLVL
Regretful throws by me
2 • BeyondOmniversalLVL •- kspttw - BeyondOmniversalLVL
- BeyondOmniversalLVL - ginko81
- BeyondOmniversalLVL
Dear Playstrategy, please unmute me, I have a winning submission for your 3+ weekly challenge. Thx.
1 • BeyondOmniversalLVL •- BeyondOmniversalLVL - BOT PS-Greedy-Two-Move
- BeyondOmniversalLVL