Stockfish 13+NNUE
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This study is being actively worked on and accepts submissions and improvements anytime. Please message @FiveKnights if you have game suggestions or improvements!

Thanks for your support!

Last updated: 29.10.2024.
1e4...This study is an attempt to cover games with shortest number of moves in every PlayStrategy game. Chess960 is included because there is a theoretical shortest win.

Shortest known number of plys to win every PlayStrategy game: Currently unknown

Contact FiveKnights to submit a game! Games without attribution were added by me.
Chat room
  1. FangCheng For Monster, how about
  2. FangCheng 1. e4 Ke2, f5 2. Ke3 Kf4, h5 3. Kg5 Kg6#
  3. FiveKnights yes that is also valid solution, but not quicker
  4. FangCheng ohhh the two moves count as plies each
  5. FangCheng mb
  6. FiveKnights np, i want to see what total number of plys would be to beat all games on playstrategy
  7. FiveKnights i think white makes 2 plys
  8. FangCheng For minishogi there's 1. G-34 G-32 2. G-23 G-42 3. Gx12#
  9. FiveKnights yes didnt get around to adding it yet from the thread
  10. FiveKnights might have found faster shogi
  11. FiveKnights yep 1ply faster lol
  12. FiveKnights i just realized draughts isnt supported in analysis board and study :(, lidraughts doesnt have all the variants
  13. FiveKnights i will make it anyway the have moves like monster
  14. Vladimir hi FiveKnights
  15. FiveKnights hi
  16. Vladimir now I can play
  17. FiveKnights ok, give me 5 mins
  18. Vladimir ok
  19. Vladimir good study @ FiveKnights
  20. FiveKnights ty
  21. FangCheng
  22. FangCheng Othello is way too hard for me to figure out something, so here's a video instead
  23. FiveKnights interesting, thanks for sending
  24. FangCheng 1. D b 2. E b 3. F b 4. B f(+6) 5. C a 6. B e(+10) 7. A d(+11) is the fastest win I can find for Oware
  25. FangCheng I'm reasonably sure it's optimal
  26. FiveKnights ok will look at it later
  27. FangCheng 1. Nf3 g5 2. Nxg5 Bh6 3. Nxf7 Bxd2 4. Nxd8 Bxe1 5. Qxd7 Bxf2 6. Qxe8 Nh6 7. Qxh8 a5 8. Bxh6 Be6 9. Nxe6 Nc6 10. Qxa8 a4 11. Qxb7 Bc5
  28. FangCheng 12. Qxc6 Ba3 13. Nxa3# is a game I found on lichess for antichess
  29. FiveKnights oh wow, thats very interesting, didnt know you can win that fast
  30. FiveKnights share game link pls
  31. FangCheng
  32. FangCheng on this forum
  33. FiveKnights found mates for horde :)))
  34. FiveKnights
  35. FiveKnights i might miss something in chat, if you dont see me around feel free to message me
  36. FiveKnights found 1 ply faster mini shogi mate
  37. FangCheng nice
  38. FangCheng future note to everyone, including myself:
  39. FangCheng check the side who is second to move
  40. FiveKnights To anyone reading, the study is still active and there are missing games, feel free to reach out to me I'd be happy to add them :)